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In the heart of a world with a wound that never healed, a mystery unfolds within the walls of a dream diner where a waitress named Lana holds the key to a tangled web of secrets. Three friends, bound by love and ambition, find themselves drawn into apps where reality and illusion intertwine, and the pursuit of fame comes at a deadly price.

From the sun-drenched vineyards of Napa to the dark underbelly of social media stardom, “Lana is Mother“ is a haunting exploration of identity, obsession, and the sacrifices we make for love and success.

Brace yourself for a story that will keep you guessing until the very last page, as Link Carson weaves a spellbinding tale that is equal parts mystery, thriller, and fever dream. Step into the diner, take a seat, and let Lana's voice guide you through a world you won't soon forget.

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